CaliSports News

Top 10 LA Kings Forwards of All-Time

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Okay, so this article may or may not have been inspired by the recent special edition of The Hockey News, “Top 50 Players of All-Time by Franchise.” Alright, who am I kidding, this article IS inspired by that interesting issue of THN. As soon as I saw the title, I had to pick up the magazine and read the section pertaining to our Los Angeles Kings. Though it is a fun read, (not just for the Kings’ content, but also for the rest of the league as well), but I disagreed with many of the decisions the long-running magazine (that used to be in newspaper form) had made about the Kings and with who fell into what slot. Some decisions made sense, but a lot of them made me throw the magazine across the room, before I gave it a huge leg drop (ala Hulk Hogan), screamed bloody murder while beating my fists on my chest and accusing The Hockey News of not doing their proper research on the history of the Los Angeles Kings!!! (All of this was happening in the store by the way before I bought the magazine). For example, I thought Jonathan Quick and Jeff Carter should have been placed higher up in the rankings and some other players should have been lower ranked. After I calmed down by going for a walk around the block (after paying for the mag), and ranted to some poor stranger about the giant conspiracies against the Kings and it’s fanbase, (thank you kind old lady that was walking her cute dog in the park, whoever you are!), I decided to create a new top 10 column for CaliSports News and attempt my own Top 10 lists that pertain to the Kings, (which when creating this first article, and trying to decide which player goes where, things got really heated and awkward considering you can’t give yourself a Hulkster leg drop because of a disagreement). Now, remember, everyone has their own opinion and will probably have a different list than I do. Heck, I might even have a different list for the Top 10 three hours from now, let alone tomorrow or a month from now. I also didn’t base the player’s standings on just statistics and stats alone, but with the overall impact that the player made with the team, either on and/or off the ice, whether on the score sheet or by leadership and work ethic. This is usually where the debates come in but that is the nature of these lists, and damn it, that’s why they’re fun, (or so I convinced myself after a couple of sleepless nights), so here we go!

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