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Slava Voynov To Face Felony Charge

Slava Voynov of the Los Angeles Kings is set to face felony charges after a judge has ruled there is sufficient evidence in his case to move forward with charges.

The Kings defensemen has been suspended from play since the arrest and charges were filed. Read about it here. He was then charged with felony of corporal injury to his spouse which cause great bodily-injury.

Today the shocking details of the incident emerged after the player appeared in court for his hearing. reports, “According to reports of police testimony Monday, an officer of the Redondo Beach Police Department told the court that Voynov had punched, kicked and choked his wife, Marta Varlamova, at the couple’s home in October.”

Also announced, there is evidence that supports there was previous domestic abuse. Voynov maintains his innocence and his wife is now taking the position of calling the incident an accident which she hopes does not result in her husband being charged.

Per the testimony given in court, the officer involved with the incident describes a bloody scene in the couples home, to the court.

“According to reports out of the courtroom, Varlamova had a wound above her left eye, caused after Voynov pushed her into a flat-screen television, that required eight stitches to close.”

Slava Voynov is set to be arraigned on December 29th, 2014.

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