CaliSports News

The Redemption Of Jeff Carter: Part Two

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“Sometimes we need to be hurt in order to grow.  We must lose in order to gain. Sometimes, some lessons are learned best through pain.” – Chuck Norris

The plane lands softly onto the runway and he fully stretches to work out the kinks in his back after the long 7 hour flight.  Glancing out the window, he notices the iconic Hollywood sign in the distance.  He definitely wasn’t in Kansas or more specifically, Columbus anymore.  After collecting his walk-on bag from the overhead compartment, the plane exit door opened and he paused.  He was walking into a brand new world and both excitement and nervousness were overcoming him.  This could be a new beginning to his sagging career but if disastrous, it would surely be the beginning of the end.  He briefly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  Focused, he walked out of the plane and onto the tunnel walkway.  On the other side waiting for him was a familiar face.  On the other side was his best friend Mike Richards.

The drive to Mike Richard’s home in Manhattan Beach was a short but fun one.  The two old friends were quickly laughing as they reminisced about the good old days.  It had only been 8 months since they last hung out but it felt more like 8 years.  So much has happened since then, so much has changed.

They arrived to the apartment complex and Richards helped him with his luggage as they went inside.  Richards unlocked the door and his attention immediately went to Richard’s balcony which had a breathtaking and peaceful view of the Pacific Ocean. Any anxiety he may have felt before arriving to California was now just white noise in the background of his mind, that is until Richards asked him if he wanted a drink? In the past this meant a shot of Jack Daniels to go with a rum and coke.  This always led to an epic all night party.  The very thing that he wanted to avoid after both he and Richard’s were banished from their original team, the Philadelphia Flyers due to their partying ways.  Now he was given a second chance by being traded to Richard’s current team, the Los Angeles Kings and he didn’t want to mess up this opportunity.  He hesitantly declined the offer but Richards had known him for a very long time and noticed the hesitation.  This made Richards laugh as he made his way to the refrigerator anyway.  He opened it and reached in for a drink but instead of pulling out some whiskey or some other alcoholic beverage, he pulled out a Gatorade.  This made him laugh with relief which made Richards laugh even harder.  They both just stood there, each with a Gatorade in their hands and laughing at the top of their lungs.

Later, Richards took him to the beach and they were walking along The Strand.  Richards explained about living there and the culture difference here than what they had previously experienced.  Richards talked about the team and how he thought they had huge potential of competing for the Stanley Cup but admitted they were struggling recently, especially with scoring goals.

“This is where you come in Cartsie,” explained Richards, using the nickname he always gave him, “You can provide the goals that we’ve been lacking.”

Carter came clean to his best friend about his doubts.  The trade out of Philadelphia was tough on him and his time in Columbus was a disaster.  His confidence was really low and he wasn’t sure if he was the player he used to be or could be the player that the Los Angeles Kings needed him to be.  Richards listened and nodded his head to acknowledge what his friend was saying to him and then smirked.

“I wouldn’t worry about that,” he said.

Stunned at the answer, Carter asked, “Why’s that?”

Richards took a drink of his plain Gatorade and looked his friend in the eye, “Because I know you’ve got this!”

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