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The Redemption Of Jeff Carter: Part One

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8146594“Toxic twins”

This is where the duo’s reputation for being toxic or more specifically the two being known  as the “toxic twins” (which stems from the nickname the music media gave to Aerosmith rock stars Steven Tyler and Joe Perry, as they were known not only as explosive and talented musicians but also as hardcore partners of epic drinking binges (and other substances) and late night parties that I am not allowed to fully describe but one can easily imagine) came into play.

Even though Carter had become the team’s top goal scorer, he still had that knock on him for not giving his full commitment when it came to the team’s practices and possibly during certain games as well.  Many felt that this was due to Carter’s bad attitude (but was actually just his natural personality of seeming  “laid back” and worry free) but also more due to the friendship he had with Richards, as both players would seem “fatigued” (or in other words, hung over) at practices or during certain games.  Their partying ways was upsetting the coaching staff and veterans of the team (such as Chris Pronger) and the duo were coming across as selfish and unprofessional in their eyes.  Knowing or finding out about young players, who are talented, handsome and famous being out late at late at parties, bars or clubs is nothing new in the world of sports.  The problem the Flyers were having with their scoring ace Jeff Carter and Captain Mike Richards, was when theses parties were happening and how frequently they were occurring.  The Philadelphia Flyers brass agreed with the coaches and veteran players and felt something needed to be done about this after the Philadelphia media caught wind of on-line photos that were released of both Carter and Richards allegedly (but probably were) intoxicated, holding up bottles of Jack Daniels and posing with many different women at dance clubs/bars that were rumored to have occurred (allegedly) the night before many Flyer’s games (hence leading to the “fatigue” factor).

Now if the late night parties did occur the night before any games were to be played or occurred on a free night off is really anyone’s guess and not known for sure.  Nor if the actual partying affected the player’s performances in any negative way while playing for the Flyers (as in, did it end up costing the Flyers the 2010 Stanley Cup?), that too is only mere speculation.  Carter and Richard’s claimed that neither was the case, but teammates such as Pronger strongly disagreed and in a move that shocked the hockey world (and was a move that both Carter and Richards blindly didn’t see coming), on June 23, 2011, both Carter and Richards were exiled from Philadelphia and separated by being traded to 2 different teams.  Richards would land with the uprising Los Angeles Kings while Carter was dropped off to the lowly Columbus Blue Jackets.  Both men were shocked and heartbroken at what seemed like a betrayal.

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  1. Jeremiah

    December 27, 2014 at 7:19 am

    Why the cliff hanger??? Can’t wait to check it! I didn’t realize Carter was drafted that close to Brown!

    • Jeremiah

      December 27, 2014 at 7:23 am

      Another great read! I’m glad you differentiated between the rising of the Phoenix and the Coyotes, because that could’ve meant the exact opposite of what you actually meant!

      • Jeff Duarte

        December 27, 2014 at 10:54 am

        Thank you Jeremiah! I thought it’d be safer to make a clear point that I didn’t mean the Coyotes when talking about the rise of the Phoenix just in case Shane Doan accidentally read the article and came up with some ideas. We gotta watch out for that sneaky guy.

    • Jeff Duarte

      December 27, 2014 at 10:51 am

      Thanks for the compliments and taking the time to read the article! The article ended up being longer than I originally anticipated (like 14-15 pages instead of a slim 5) so it got cut in half into 2 parts instead.

  2. janetjtillery

    December 21, 2015 at 10:36 am

    A nicely written wrap for 2014! A busy year so far, and many ebb and flow moments for our Kings. Well done Jeff. I always look forward to reading what you have posted!

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