CaliSports News

Hollywood Blvd. News – Los Angeles Kings Edition

We like to start our day searching the web and reading articles about our beloved LA sports teams. It’s easy to get lost in the depth of the inter web, but luckily for you we have compiled a list of the most interesting and pertinent news stories for your morning reading pleasure. For this edition, let’s dive into the news surrounding the Los Angeles Kings.

Slava Voynov of the Los Angeles Kings pleaded “not guilty” yesterday:

Los Angeles Kings defenseman Slava Voynov faces a March trial on a charge of beating his wife.

Voynov, 24, pleaded not guilty Monday to a felony count of corporal injury to a spouse with great bodily injury at his re-arraignment in Los Angeles County Superior Court, City News Service reported.

The Russian Olympian was arraigned after his arrest Oct. 20 but had to go through the process again after a judge found earlier this month that there was enough evidence to proceed to trial.

A preliminary trial date of March 2 was set, and Voynov is due back in court Jan. 28 for a pretrial hearing.”

To read more of this article, click here.

CaliSports writer Jeff discusses the career of Jeff Carter:

“The Young Jeff”

A young boy arrives home late after a long day of school.  He slowly enters the house, drops his knapsack on the kitchen floor and finds his hockey equipment bag that was already packed with his gear and had his aluminum hockey stick right beside it.  A car outside, with his father in the driver’s seat was impatiently waiting for him but the boy was in no rush.  In fact, he felt he had enough time to make himself a quick bologna sandwich before he left. From another part of the house walked in his mother.  With a soft motherly voice she reminds her carefree son that his father was outside waiting for him and that he was going to be late for his championship hockey game. The boy smiled, kissed his mother on the cheek and stuffed his sandwich into his mouth before making his way back to the front door with which he entered.  The mother wished him good luck for the game and hoped he wasn’t going to get in trouble from the coach again due to his soon to be late arrival to the arena, especially for such an important game. The boy stopped at the doorway and looked back at his mom with a smirk and said, “No worries Mom, I’ve got this!”

To find out more about this, click here.

Stay with us at as we will keep you up-to-date on all things Los Angeles Kings and the rest of the LA sports teams! All Cali, all the time!

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