CaliSports News

Happy New Year!

On behalf of the CaliSports News family we would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year! In 2015 we saw tremendous growth and milestones and it wouldn’t have been able to be accomplished without the help of our friends and family supporting us.

Everyday is an opportunity to reach your dreams and goals. One of my favorite quotes from the great UCLA coach John Wooden is “Make everyday your masterpiece.”

Make today and this new year your masterpiece. We are truly humbled by the endless support and we look forward to continuing in this new year.

Oh yeah we want a championship this year (cough cough LA Kings cough cough). To be fair the Clippers have been playing well of late. Do they have a chance this year?

What about the Dodgers? They have a big budget. Is this the year they reach the mountain top? One thing is for certain, we’ll be on top of it all in 2016.

Cheers to the New Year stay safe!

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