CaliSports News

Hall of Famer Nick Nickson and his LA Kings Entourage

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After that amazing experience and encounter (and group photo) with Nick Nickson and his LA Kings entourage and watching them leave the building, I felt someone suddenly tapping me on my shoulder.  I instantly thought it was Ryan, full of jealously that he just missed out on a once in a lifetime LA Kings fan moment, plus some more content for his site? When I turned around to gloat, I realized it wasn’t Ryan at all, but a very familiar older and shorter man who seemed anxious to leave.

“Where’s the bus?” he asked.

“Bus? Um pardon?” I replied.

Annoyed at my incompetence, he repeated the question, “Ah yeah, where’s the bus?”

I looked around to see if there were any buses around me in this hallway or maybe even anyone who could help me out with this bus loving man?  I noticed a young man who was seemed to be working there so I asked him for assistance.

“Where’s the bus?” the man asked the helper.

“Bus? Do you mean the shuttle to your hotel sir?” the young man asked.

Not amused by his question, Scotty Bowman shook his head in disappointment and seemed to have given up on us useless humans.  He left the building and I imagined him walking down the streets of Toronto, asking random people where this mysterious bus was?  I don’t know if he did or not, he is after all a hockey genius but whatever the case, this random encounter with the greatest coach in the history of the sport was the cherry on top of one of the greatest experiences in my life. Before I walked back to my car and traveled back home, I took one last glance at the Hockey Hall of Fame and smiled.

Thank you Hockey Gods.


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