Junior League’s Rosters Featured Familiar Names
- Updated: September 30, 2020

(One of Park View’s 2020 Junior League teams. Photo courtesy of Chula Vista’s PVJL.)
Get ready for the final installment of this year’s exciting six-part weekly series of Where Are They Now? This week, we turn our attention to Chula Vista’s Park View Junior League. Its teams this year featured players with names familiar to many Southern California Little League fans.
Friends reunited.
CaliSports News readers should remember Diego Falomir from 2019 Most Inspirational Player Award Goes To …. Last year, CSN published an article spotlighting Falomir. At that time, the youngster played for South San Diego’s Southwest Little League all-star team. Since then, Falomir’s family moved to South San Diego’s neighboring Chula Vista. At his new home, Falomir found himself residing within Park View’s geographical boundaries. He soon joined that league’s Junior Division. Juniors offers organized baseball for youths that grew too old to play in Little League. Hence, Falomir switched from Majors to Juniors, and from Southwest to Park View.

(Park View’s Leonardo Rincón. Photo by Daly Gonzalez Rincón.)
In addition, Falomir’s longtime friend, Leonardo Rincón, whom CaliSports News quoted, and whose photo appears, in Most Inspirational, likewise moved into Park View’s territory. Last year, Rincón played alongside Falomir on Southwest’s all-star squad. This year, the two pals joined forces in Park View’s Junior Division. How awesome is that? But, wait. It gets even better.

(Joseph Anderson during 2018 all-stars. Photo courtesy of Jon Bigornia.)
That Junior league this year included two players from Park View’s 2018 Major all-stars that won the SoCal title. Readers should recall Joseph Anderson from Resurrecting A Miraculous Little League Dream, and Jordan Bleisch, who appears in a photo published in Diary of Little League’s West Region Tournament. Small world, right? That is four Major Division all-stars, two from Park View with two from Southwest, each of which CaliSports News made famous, that competed in the same Junior league. And, Rabbi Rabbs has spoken with parents of each of those four.
Junior All-Stars.
Readers should recall three of those parents. CaliSports News quoted them extensively. Will Bleisch in Let’s Meet District 42’s Men In Blue, Rosio Torres Falomir in Most Inspirational, and Marie Giblin-Anderson in Little League’s Female Stars Shine In SoCal. As we see, those parents rank among CSN’s top Little League “go to” sources. In addition, I sat next to them, and we have become friends. I also became Facebook friends with Rincón’s mother. But wait, there is more. I have become friends with the parents of a fifth player in that league. His name is Jimmy Skinner. Last year, Jimmy played together with Jordan and Joseph on Park View’s Junior all-stars that tied for fifth in Southern California. I even posed with Skinner for a post-game photo last year.

(Left to right: Rabbi Rabbs, Jimmy Skinner. 2019 all-stars. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Skinner.)
On that note, Jimmy’s mother remains in CSN’s prayers. Jennifer Skinner spent last week in a hospital. She should be blessed with a complete and speedy recovery to perfect health. Amen.
Incidentally, I mentioned Miraculous Little League Dream. I should update us on that story. Earlier this year, New York City’s Manhattan College announced on its web site that the school will honor Anderson’s departed relative, Joseph J. Coppo. The Jaspers plan to build their new baseball stadium in Coppo’s memory. They hope to open Joe Coppo Field at Van Cortlandt Park on Sept. 11, 2021. The auspicious date will mark the 20th anniversary of that former Jasper’s tragic death. I wonder if reading my article put the wheels into motion to make that happen.
Teamwork makes the dream work.
Finally, CaliSports News thanks everyone that shares our articles. Teamwork makes the dream work. On that note, CSN thanks Sweetwater Valley Little League of Bonita, Little League’s California District 42, and Eastlake Titans Softball, for each sharing last week’s, UCLA Softball Dynasty Continues Led By SoCal Stars, on Facebook. And with that, we conclude the final installment of this past six-part weekly series of Where Are They Now? I hope readers enjoyed it.
In my next weekly article, I plan to spotlight a special Little League umpire whose inspirational story must be shared. You do not want to miss that. But, be warned. That story promises to be a Rabbi Rabbs-style tearjerker. So, get your tissues ready. Stay tuned !! Until then, congratulations to Falomir, Rincón, Anderson, Bleisch, Skinner, and Coppo’s entire family !! Let’s Go SoCal !!

(Same photo but cropped. Left to right: Diego Falomir, Jimmy Skinner. Photo courtesy of Park View Junior League.)
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