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Longest Shot Sports Bets In History That Paid Out Big

Long Shot Sports Bets That Paid Out Big

Long shot bets are the stuff of legend, and most certainly the stuff of movies. What could be more satisfying than placing a crazy bet, on a supposedly impossible situation, and earning a whole huge pile of cash? Not much, it seems, because there are many stories floating around about folks that took a mad risk, and came out on top. Here are a few classic stories of crazy long shot bets that earned the gutsy person a small fortune.

Gold Endurance Challenge

The first story involves a man tackling ridiculous odds in the game of golf, and somehow coming out on top. Erick Lindgren arranged a novelty bet, stating that he would play four rounds of golf, one after the other, in a single day, carrying his own clubs, and never using a golf cart. His aim was to shoot less than 100 on all of the four rounds. Although not the traditional type of bet you would come across on a bookmakers website, the bet was accepted. It may have helped that Erick and the friends he involved in the bet were well known professional poker players.

Amazingly, the man succeeded, and walked away with about $340,000. We may not all have the influence to make such a bet possible, but sure is amazing thinking that earning over a quarter of a million dollars in a single day is a possibility in the world of sports betting.

Down By 4 With 16 Minutes

The second story may be one of the most amazing, and you would be forgiven for thinking that the punter might have had a few screws loose to make such a bet. The crazy punter would be having the last laugh, though, because his bet, against all odds, was a success.

On January 10, 2010, Mali was down 4 points to 0 against Angola in the Africa Cup of Nations. There were 16 minutes remaining on the clock. A pretty clear-cut game, most would think. Not the guy who put down about 5 pounds on Mali to win. Against even the wildest expectations Mali made a remarkable comeback, scoring a quick burst of goals. What did the 5 pounds earn the punter? 5,000. He sure was laughing all the way to the bank. Just goes to show; impossible is nothing and that when you look at the odds on soccer betting sites you should never overlook the underdog.

Crushing The Odds

One of the most remarkable sports betting stories in history, a baseball fan who wished to remain anonymous earned over a quarter of a million dollars, and did it via a standard betting option. On September 12, 2011, the St. Louis Cardinals were 5 games down from qualifying for the World Series. The unnamed fan put down $250 dollars that the Cardinals would qualify, and they did.

But it didn’t stop there. The fan then put another $250 on the Cardinals winning the World Series, at odds of an absolutely ridiculous 999 to 1. Of course, the bet succeeded, meaning that $375,000 were made. Proving again that you should never write off the underdog, they just might make you wealthy.


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